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Debt Obligations Summary

Water Control & Improvement District No 17 (WCID No. 17) is a non-profit public utility providing quality water and wastewater services to customers in the Lake Travis South area along RR 620 in West Travis County. The District uses Debt Obligation to finance its large water and wastewater infrastructure projects to ensure that we have adequate and sustainable resource now and in the future. The bond resolutions requires that the District levy and collect an ad valorem debt services tax sufficient to pay interest and principal on bonds when due and cover the cost of assessing and collecting taxes. These provisions have been met, and the cash allocated for these purposes is sufficient to meet the debt services requirements.

As of September 30, 2023, the District has a total of $123,200,000 cumulative for all defined areas in outstanding debt obligations with $86,795,000 of tax-supported debt obligation and $36,405,000 of revenue-supported debt obligation. Below is a breakdown per defined area and per capita based on the source as of FY2023.

The District leases vehicles under a master equity lease agreement. The lease term begins upon delivery of the vehicle, and the lease have an initial term ranging from twelve to sixty months, with the option to continue month-to-month for an unlimited period of time. Payments are due monthly and range from $484 to $1,176.

As of September 30, 2023 the value of the lease liability is $231,584. The lease has interest rates ranging from 0.49% to 3.72% . The value of the right to use asset as of September 30, 2023 is $229,873, net of accumulated amortization of $120,484.

Below is Historical Bond Election Information for approved/authorized bonds for the District as of most recently completed fiscal year. Currently there are no other scheduled Bond Elections.

The District has been diligently working on improving transparency across all business areas based on the 85th Legislature passed in 2017. The bill requires certain special purpose districts to annually provide records and other information concerning district finances, debt obligation and tax rates to the Comptroller of Public Accountants (See Senate Bill 625 (SB625)). SB625 also required the Comptroller of Public Accounts to create the Special Purpose District Public Information Database, where information submitted by the districts will be assembled, updated, and made available to the public free of charge and that database can be found here: https://spdpid.comptroller.texas.gov/

Link to Bond Review Board local government debt data: https://www.brb.texas.gov/

Link to Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Debt at a Glance tool: https://comptroller.texas.gov/transparency/local/debt/texas.php

Travis County Property Tax rates: https://www.traviscountytx.gov/tax-rates

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