
Courtesy Notice to Customers:

UPDATE: Maintenance on the Round Mountain tank located on Piazza Vetta has commenced. We strongly urge customers to check their […]

Water Ways Newsletter – January 2025

Dear WCID No. 17 Customer, We are excited to share with you, our Water Ways newsletter to keep you informed […]

Portrait of Jason Homan, the Chief Executive Officer of Travis County WCID No. 17 posing in an outdoor setting.

Water Wise Episode #7: My Water Advisor

My Water Advisor puts the power in the hands of the customer in order to help monitor water usage and […]

Welcome to our Inaugural Newsletter!

Dear WCID No. 17 Customer, We are excited to introduce Water Ways, a newsletter created especially for you, our valued […]

WCID No. 17 CEO and General Manager Jason Homan explaining how WCID No. 17 and Lake Travis Fire Rescue collaborate to share essential wildfire prevention tips for family safety.

Water Wise Ep #6 Wildfire Mitigation

After the historic wildfires of 2011, Lake Travis Fire Rescue implemented a program to strategically mitigate the threat of another […]

Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, Jason Homan, standing by the Steiner Ranch sign, explaining the importance of the Pressure Regulating Valve (PRV) and its necessity for the area's water system.

Water Wise Ep #5: What is a PRV and Why is it Necessary?

Do you know what a Pressure Regulating Valve does and why the District requires that homeowners have one? Learn how […]

Stage 1 Water Restrictions in Effect

Thanks to the community’s amazing participation in our irrigation conservation efforts combined with recent rains, the combined storage in Lakes […]

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